Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Our backyard art studio

It's done! We have the lovely yellow door we planned. It was something that drifted by on Pinterest one day and we both said, oh, wouldn't it be cool to have a door like that? And now that the city is golden everywhere with autumn leaves it seems really even more apt.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The door

I was hoping we'd find a pretty old door in a back alley but it never happened so on one tedious journey to Reno-Depot that turned up not much I decided we should at least grab their inexpensive steel exterior door to justify our Communauto expense. That resulted in a very uncomfy car ride for me all bent over in the backseat so the door could fit in the little car. But it was cheap and primed too!

Now, one of the reasons for this bargain is that it doesn't have a key hole already drilled into it, something which Michel has pointed out to me several times. And his quest for a drill kit for key hole making was long and arduous. Even more tedious was trying to get his drill bit back out of the keyhole kit after drilling the first part. So yeah, was the inexpensive door such a great deal after all? I'm not so sure as the key hole kit was about 50% of the price but then again, now he can start a small business in drilling doors because he's got the gear. Ahem.

The quest for paint to fulfill our dreams of matching the door to the autumn leaves was also rather long and complex but the managers at Rona on rue Rachel were creative in their solution for a Grade 4 paint that could hold the strong yellow colour. So we have the lovely door we intended!

I have been researching all kinds of new materials now in my planning for finishing the interior. I have spent much too much time considering foil-covered bubble wrap as a quick and easy solution to insulating the studio a bit. But I then had a dream about people complaining about noise from my sound system and woke thinking bubble wrap was probably not the best acoustic solution. So now I have priced out finishing the inside of the studio with Roxul Comfort Batt and they also have a great calculator there to let me calculate the cost of the drywall, vapour barrier etc. None of this is a rush as Michel doesn't have time for more construction right now anyway. He has a musical composition to complete in the next few months.

But in the Spring I will pull out my notes and consider our budget or lackthereof then. I want it to all be as chemical free as possible and came home from Home Depot with some colourful foam daycare mats to toss on the plywood floor for now. This triggered fond memories of kindergarten for our youngest son and so if we don't use them in the studio we can always put them in his room as he feels attached to them.