Monday, September 12, 2016


So big storms came and delayed the work, sending Michel rushing out to buy tarps to cover the wood instead. In the gaps of time with a bit of sunshine he finished the frame of our most complex wall, the one with a door and a picture window.

And then he is interrupted by other work, playing drums several nights in a row and teaching. Next comes the worst interruption of all, an early morning visit to emergency after a sleepless night in great pain. Could the strain of making a shed be taking its toll? But no, as it turns out, it was a kidney stone that chose its moment of escape strangely and once it was gone, he was scooting back up a ladder and was enthusiastically back to work. Reading about kidney stones on the internet I come across an article from India that says they are most common in the summer in hot weather in young men working in construction outdoors. Seems to be a combination of dehydration, sweating, lots of vitamin D and vibrating tools that forms and shakes them. Now we know.

This next stage keeps reminding me of the J.D. Salinger title, "Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters!". I am waiting for the surly delivery guy who is bringing our second window today. This free shipping option from Home Depot is a bit tedious but yet better than going all the way out to Reno-Depot to discover their shelves are empty.

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